Thi Xuan Vu

Maître de Conférences
Université de Lille
Bâtiment ESPRIT
Avenue Henri Poincaré
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq

Brief bio

From Sept. 2024, I am a  Maître de Conférences (Associate Professor) at the Université de Lille, France, where I am part of the CFHP team at CRIStAL

From Mar. 2024 to Aug. 2024, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Algebra, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, where I worked with Manuel Kauers.  Previously I held a postdoctoral position at the Algebra Group of UiT The Arctic University of Norway under the supervision of
Cordian Riener.

In Dec. 2020, I received doctorates, under a co-tutelle agreement, in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo, Canada under the supervision of Éric Schost and George Labahn and the Sorbonne Université (Paris 6), France under the supervision of Mohab Safey El Din.

Before that, I obtained a master degree in Fundamental Computer Science from the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France in 2017.

Research interests

Computer Algebra (Symbolic Computation), Polynomial System Solving, Computational Algebraic Geometry.

Current teaching

At the university of Lille

  • Fall 2024: ODI (L1-TDM); ACT (M1 - TD/TP); IIR (M1 - TD/TP)
  • Publications

    1. Connectivity in Symmetric Semi-Algebraic Sets, 2024 - Cordian Riener, Robin Schabert, and Thi Xuan Vu, Proceedings of ISSAC 2024 conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. (Robin S. received a SIGSAM ISSAC 2024 distinguished student author award). arXiv/DOI/ Award
    2. Faster real root decision algorithm for symmetric polynomials, 2023 - George Labahn, Cordian Riener, Mohab Safey El Din, Éric Schost, and Thi Xuan Vu, Proceedings of ISSAC 2023 conference, Tromsø, Norway. arXiv/ DOI
    3. Computing critical points for invariant algebraic systems, 2023 - Jean-Charles Faugère,  George Labahn, Mohab Safey El Din, Éric Schost, and Thi Xuan Vu, Journal of Symbolic Computation. arXiv/ DOI
    4. Computing critical points for algebraic systems defined by hyperoctahedral invariant polynomials, 2022  -  Thi Xuan Vu, Proceedings of ISSAC 2022 conference, Lille, France.  arXiv/ DOI
    5. Rank-sensitive computation of the rank profile of a polynomial matrix, 2022 -  George Labahn, Vincent Neiger, Thi Xuan Vu, and Wei Zhou, Proceedings of ISSAC 2022 conference, Lille, France. arXiv/ DOI
    6. Homotopy techniques for solving sparse column support determinantal polynomial systems, 2021 - George Labahn, Mohab Safey El Din, Éric Schost, and Thi Xuan Vu, Journal of Complexity. arXiv/ DOI
    7. Solving determinantal systems using homotopy techniques, 2021 - Jonathan D. Hauenstein, Mohab Safey El Din, Éric Schost, and Thi Xuan Vu, Journal of Symbolic Computation. arXiv/ DOI
    8. Computing canonical bases of modules of univariate relations, 2017 - Vincent Neiger and Thi Xuan Vu, Proceedings of ISSAC 2017 conference, Kaiserslautern, Germany. (Received a SIGSAM ISSAC 2017 distinguished student author award)arXiv/ DOI/ Award


     Homotopy algorithms for solving structured determinantal systems, 2020. UW/ SU


    • Jul. 2024 - Connectivity in Symmetric Semi-Algebraic Sets - ISSAC 2024, Raleigh, NC, USA.
    • Apr. 2024 - Some faster algorithms for symmetric polynomials, seminar at ECO team, Montpellier, France.
    • Mar. 2024 - Faster algorithms for solving some polynomial algebraic systems, seminar at CFHP team, Lille, France.
    • Jan. 2024 - Some faster algorithms for symmetric polynomial systems, seminar at Applied Algebra group, University of Copenhagen, Demark.
    • Nov. 2023 - Real root decision algorithms for symmetric invariant polynomial, Symmetry, Stability, and interactions with Computation Conference, Luminy, France.
    • Jul. 2023 - Faster real root decision algorithm for symmetric polynomials - ISSAC 2023, Tromsø, Norway.
    • Jun. 2023 - Invariant polynomials in optimization and real algebraic geometry - SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry 2023, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. 
    • Feb. 2023 -  Faster algorithms for symmetric polynomials - MAX seminar, LIX Laboratory, École polytechnique, France.
    • Jan. 2023 - Faster real root decision algorithm for symmetric polynomials - Mørketidens Mattemøte, Tromsø, Norway.
    • Jul. 2022 - Computing critical points for algebraic systems defined by hyperoctahedral invariant polynomials - ISSAC 2022, Lille, France.
    • Apr. 2021 - Computing critical points for invariant algebraic systems - Algebra Group seminar, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. 
    • Dec. 2020 - Homotopy techniques for solving determinantal polynomial systems - MAX seminar, LIX Laboratory, École polytechnique, France. 
    • Dec. 2020 - Solving structured determinantal systems using homotopy methods with an application to computing isolated critical points for invariant systems - PhD Seminar, University of Waterloo, Canada.
    • Nov. 2020 - Solving determinantal systems by using homotopy techniques and exploiting the column structures - PhD Seminar, University of Waterloo, Canada.
    • Apr. 2019 - Computing critical points for invariant algebraic systems - PhD Seminar, University of Waterloo, Canada.
    • Jul. 2017 - Computing canonical bases of modules of univariate relations - ISSAC 2017, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
    • Jun. 2017 - Solving determinantal systems using homotopy techniques - SCG seminar, University of Waterloo, Canada.


    Previous teaching

    At the University of Waterloo, Canada
    • Fall 2020 - CS466/666 (Algorithm Design and Analysis)
    • Spring 2020 - CS 475/675 (Computational Linear Algebra)
    • Winter 2020 - AMATH 242/CS 371 (Introduction to Computational Math)
    • Fall 2019 - CS 245 (Logic and Computation)
    • Spring 2019 - CS 136 (Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction)